Warp 112
Ultra low, ultra bad and fulminating with explosive
energy – that’s the formula for 21st century guitar tone. An
unprecedented sound, conventional rock’n’roll amps don’t have what it
takes to deliver it. But the new WARP 7 ™ combos certainly
deliver the sonic goods Pitch-black, massive and ferocious, that
trademark WARP 7 ™ tone is just what the doctor ordered for
seven-string and detuned guitars. And you get a killer clean channel
alongside that feral Warp sound...
FEATURES Clean: Volume, Bass, Mid, Treble Warp: Gain,
Master, Bass, Mid, Treble, Presence Connections: Input, FX Send, FX
Return, Footswitch, Headphones, Speaker Out (serial) Power amp: 100-Watt
Current Feedback Speaker/s: 12" Warp Custom